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Promote educational quality by enhancing the talent of educators, complementing and supporting the following objectives SDG 4: Quality education and SDG 17: Alliances to achieve objectives.


Explore innovation through specialized and quality knowledge through conferences and courses.


LearnAla seeks to share different trends and digital tools for their practical implementation for the benefit of teachers and students.


LearnAla has online courses for you​​

  • You will learn to use tools for the development of digital content.

  • Integrate topics that allow the human development of each of the participants.

  • Methodologies that allow teachers to facilitate their work   and increase the quality of their courses.

How to add interactive content to digital courses
Interactividad Cursos Digitales_LearnAla

Benefits of including interactivity in your educational offer:


  • The contents become more motivating and intuitive.

  • The student actively participates and gets involved in their training.

  • More experiential content, where the student puts himself to the test.

How to add interactive content to digital courses
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LearnAla in collaboration with Enseña por México brings this course to you.

You will know the process to generate an innovation within education and the impact that the role as teachers has.

Ethical Leadership: Flexibility and Collaboration in the Midst of Change
Liderazgo etico learnala educacion

Ethical leadership in charge of the Hagámoslo Bien association you will learn:


  • Resources to promote an ethical culture in my company.

  • How to start from the person, to build the foundations of an ethical leadership style.

  • Attributes of an ethical leader: How to incorporate them into the decision-making process in your day-to-day life and in your interaction with your team.

How to add interactive content to digital courses

This course is run by LearnAla in collaboration with the Educational Intervention Center. We will learn the usual theory, multisensory learning  and perception and learning.

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